Successful Black Man

I'm going to beat my girlfriend home to surprise her with dinner

I'm going to beat my girlfriend  home to surprise her with dinner  Successful Black Man

I didn't know my dad Was valedictorian in high school

I didn't know my dad Was valedictorian in high school  Successful Black Man

I'm going to get fried chicken and grape soda off the school lunch menu and replace it with healthier alternatives.

I'm going to get fried chicken and grape soda off the school lunch menu and replace it with healthier alternatives.  Successful Black Man

baby got back to sleep after I fed her bottle and read her a fairy tale

baby got back to sleep after I fed her bottle and read her a fairy tale  Successful Black Man

i never knew my dad used slazenger golf clubs

i never knew my dad used slazenger golf clubs  Successful Black Man

Master's got me workin' on homework every night, but this graduate degree will be worth it.

Master's got me workin' on homework every night, but this graduate degree will be worth it.  Successful Black Man

I left my wife and kids everything in my will

I left my wife and kids everything in my will  Successful Black Man

I hate that cracker barrel isn't open late on weeknights

I hate that cracker barrel isn't open late on weeknights  Successful Black Man

Yo, This is phat I'm glad to finally merge our asian divisions

Yo, This is phat I'm glad to finally merge our asian divisions  Successful Black Man

oh that is phat Hoang, he is the famous Vietnamese chef I hired for our dinner party

oh that is phat Hoang, he is the famous Vietnamese chef I hired for our dinner party  Successful Black Man